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Designing the Future

Designing the Future

Designing the Future

Social enterprise, start-up, over the top, third sector realities, communicators … How will 2021 be addressed by those developing the backend of technology that improves peoples’ lives? This is the central issue of the ninth edition of "Solidarity and Technology," which will be held entirely on-line this year for “an unlimited number of participants, ideas and projects to understand how to best undertake a journey to improve the present and design the future.”


The appointment is today - December 14 - at 10:15 am on the Zoom Platform. You will need to register to receive the link to the live event. You can also follow the debate on the Facebook EconomyUp page.


Technology and Solidarity 2020: Living the Present, Designing the Future

December 14, at 10:15 – 7:00



Aprono la giornata gli interventi di Ettore Rosato, vicepresidente della Camera dei deputati, Antonio Palmieri, Commissione cultura della Camera dei deputati e cofondatore dell’Intergruppo parlamentare Innovazione, e Giovanni Iozzia, direttore di Economyup. Seguono quattro panel tematici.

Mirta Michilli, alla guida della Fondazione Mondo Digitale, partecipa alla sessione alla prima parte della sessione Startup, over the top e terzo settore verso il 2021, in programma alle 10.45.


The event will be opened by Ettore Rosato, Deputy President of the Chamber of Deputies; Antonio Palmieri, Culture Commissioner at the Chamber of Deputies and co-founder of the Parliamentary Group on Innovation, and Giovanni Iozzia, Director of Economyup. This will be followed by four issue-based panels.


Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will participate in the first part of the Start-up, Over the Top and Third Sector towards 2021 Session (10:45 am).





Start-up, Over the Top and Third Sector towards 2021

First Part, 10:45 am



  • Lucrezia Bisignani, Founder, CEO Kukua
  • Andrea Buragina, Cofounder LORF
  • Pier Luigi Dal Pino, External Relations Manager, Microsoft Italia 
  • Cristina Manfredini, Secretary General, Fondazione Asphi onlus
  • Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
  • Ivana Pais, Professor of Economic Sociology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore




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