There is a reason behind the choice to make the Biblioteche di Roma the main venue for the 8th edition of the Global Junior Challenge. Linguist Tullio De Mauro, a supporter and ally of all libraries in his civic battle for culture through participation, was also the first president of the Rome Library System.
Today, for the first day of the final event, the Global Junior Challenge has organised an original jam session with personalities from Italian culture will present school as conceived by Tullio De Mauro, men and women who work in different sectors, but who have adopted the scholar and school expert’s philosophy in their work. All presentations will be available in LIS and through graphic recording to visualise the ideas being exposed.
This will be followed by a common work session with the Lego Serious Play Methodology.
The “mixed” work tables will bring together innovating teachers, administrators, parents and students from around Italy to design an ideal school with the LSP Methodology, based on the philosophy of the linguist and the suggestions that will emerge during the plenary session.
The LSP Methodology helps to visualise complexity and find innovative solutions thanks to the efficient synergy of connected intelligence. The session will be coordinated by Cecilia Stajano, Lego® Serious Play® Trained LSP Facilitator and Coordinator of the School Innovation Sector for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Part 1: 10 am – 1 pm
De Mauro’s School as seen by...
Open Plenary Session
Moderator: Pietro Del Soldà, writer and radio show host
Participants (in alphabetic order)
- Vittorio Campione, Diretor General, Fondazione Astrid
- Alessandra Cenerini, President, ADI
- Giuseppe Laterza, Editor
- Lamberto Maffei, Professor Emeriitus, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
- Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Attilio Oliva, President, TreeLLLe, (formerly, industrialist and public administrator)
- Giuseppe Petrucci, President ENS (with LIS interpreter)
- Renzo Piva, fluidodinamico, Professor Emeritus Sapienza University
- Marco Rossi Doria, teacher, social policy expert
- Luca Serianni, Italianist, Sapienza University
1.15 - 2.15 pm
Lunch & Informal Debate
Part 2: 2.30 - 5.00 pm
Building the School of the Future: Work Session with Lego Serious Play