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Day Care Centre on Zoom

Day Care Centre on Zoom

Day Care Centre on Zoom

[...] The experience of the Alberto Sordi Day Care Centre for Fragile Elders has overcome the chain of solitude experienced by elders in Trigoria and provided them with a new outlook thanks to a radical change in perspective. After the centre closed down due to the lockdown in the spring, the operators and personnel from the Fondazione Alberto Sordi worked on a new solution for their elder patients, aged 75-95. And they imagined a virtual version of the centre. The greatest barrier was the need to introduce as many patients as possible to new technology. This is was accomplished by volunteers from the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University and coaches from Fondazione Mondo Digitale that has always worked to dismantle barriers erected by the digital divide. [...]


On Vita, the Director of the Fondazione Alberto SordiCiro Intino, describes the experience at the Day Care Centre for Fragile Elders  in Trigoria, which during the lockdown kicked off the “Centre at Home” pilot project. With the help of the Associazione Alberto SordiFondazione Mondo Digitale and the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University, they taught a group of elders to use the Internet, tablets and smartphones. Now, the project continues with success. It’s the story of a day care centre that changed its perspective …


The Day Care Centre for Elders? It’s on Zoom

by Ciro Intino (in Italian)

Vita, November 10, 2020



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