On one of the first days they asked me “You’re Sicilian, aren’t you?” and my mind immediately wandered to the usual stereotypes, but right after M. (a 12-year-old boy) looked at me straight in the eyes and said: “Don’t worry, we’re from all over the place, too. It’s just a plus!”
Rosa Spatafora, a student on the Masters Programme in Design & Engineering at the Milan Politechnic University, accepted the challenge to become on the new coaches at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym at the Istituto Comprensivo Madre Teresa di Calcutta, a Milan hub for Project OpenSpace. At the beginning of the experience, Rosa was helped by FMD Coach Irene Caretti. In fact, one of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale tasks in the OpenSpace partnership is to “train the trainers” to allow the Phyrtual Innovation Gyms opened in suburbs to become independent, sustainable and attractive to the local communities.
The Percorsiconibambini.it Blog – an on-line area where the network of projects selected by “Con i Bambini” as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of Minors – now hosts a post by Rosa on her experience at the digital manufacturing lab in the Milan School: La curiosità è desiderio di saper fare (in Italian).
Rosa, in particular, has held afternoon labs every Wednesday and Friday, since last September.
It’s hard to describe my experience with the Openspace Labs in just a few sentences, but one thing is clear. The students have enriched me day in and day out. I just try to do my best for them in return.
OpenSpace, selected by Con i Bambini as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of is a four-year project that aims to make communities more inclusive and responsible, promoting the educational and cultural growth and the empowerment of pre-adolescents and adolescents. The project is being held in suburban areas of Bari, Milan, Palermo and Reggio Calabria.