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Culture and Civil Commitment

Culture and Civil Commitment

Culture and Civil Commitment

"Culture and Teaching as a Sign of Civil Commitment" is the title of the meeting organised in memory of Tullio De Mauro by the Accademia della Crusca and the Proteo Fare Sapere Professional Association.


The meeting will be held on March 14 at 9:30 in Florence and will also be available on YouTube.



A Meeting in Memory of Tullio De Mauro

Culture and Teaching as a Sign of Civil Commitment

The Importance of Italian for a New Citizenship

March 14, 2022, 9.30

Florence, Accademia della Crusca

Villa Medicea di Castello, Via di Castello 46

Accademia della Crusca and CGIL YouTube Channels




  • Claudio Marazzini, President, Accademia della Crusca
  • Dario Missaglia, President, Proteo Fare Sapere Association
  • Rita Librandi, Director, Crusca-Scuola
  • Gennaro Lopez, Technical-Scientific Committee, Proteo Fare Sapere
  • Andrea Ranieri, Technical-Scientific Committee, Proteo Fare Sapere
  • Fulvio Fammoni, President, Fondazione Di Vittorio
  • Francesco Sinopoli, Secretary General, FLC DGIL
  • Tommaso Biancuzzi, Coordinator, Middle School Students


Final address: Maurizio Landini, Secretary General, CGIL


During the initiative, there will also be the presentation of a volume entitled "Primo Tesoro della lingua letteraria italiana del Novecento" on twentieth century Italian literature produced in collaboration with the Rome Fondazione Goffredo e Maria Bellonci Onlus. The President of the Fondazione Bellonci, Giovanni Solimine, its Director, Stefano Petrocchi, Prof. Valeria Della Valle and Prof. Silvana Ferreri will also be present.


Follow the event on-line



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