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The Creative Process

The Creative Process

The Creative Process

"The project on the carbon footprint through digital art is not only a challenge for the students, but for me, too,” explains artist Elena Ballantoni who met the students at the Rome Confalonieri-De Chirico School Roma and the M. Pantaleoni School in Frascati, yesterday.


In this interview with Debora Cavallo, the artist explains how she will organise the work with the students to produce poetic works.



Today, Mariagrazia Pontorno, a multimedia design professor at the Accademia delle Belle Arti, will meet with 50 students from two high schools in Rome: L. Da Vinci and A. Avogadro. As for Bellantoni, her objective is to create a shared work of art on the issue of the carbon footprint that will be showcased at the upcoming edition of the Media Art Festival.


Project “A carbon footprint through digital art: new didactic models to teach science” is financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, in collaboration with the Sapienza University of Rome Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences (Department of Physics).

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