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Creating a Campaign

Creating a Campaign

Creating a Campaign

The final phase of Project Viral but Healthy, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the non-conditioning support of MSD Italia, is the creation of a social media campaign, an original course on transversal competences and orientation (PCTO) that will introduce students to the White Economy.


The 60-hour course will be used to develop a communications campaign that will be promoted on social media channels and in schools. From 9 am to 1 pm, students will meet with Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti at the Liceo Vito Volterra in Ciampino to conceive, define and implement a communications campaign in five steps.


Project Viral but Healthy already involved 50 students on the development of new apps, technological solutions and communications campaigns for the prevention of common diseases. The winning idea was Super Freddie, a remake of the famous Nintendo videogame, a vaccinated hero who must defeat viruses and bacteria. Freddie earns points by overcoming obstacles (bacteria) and taking care of himself with jabs and medicines. The students developed a demo version to share with their peers in Italian schools and through a communications campaign.


#SuperFreddie, il videogioco che insegna l'importanza della #prevenzione guadagnando punti prendendosi cura di sé, vince l'Hackathon #ViralButHealthy organizzato da @fmdigitale e realizzato col contributo non condizionante @msdsalute. Bravi ragazzi! #SaluteLazio

— Salute Lazio (@SaluteLazio) November 11, 2019


Upcoming Appointments

  • Feb. 17, 2:30-6:00, Phyrtual Innovation Gym
    “Design and Development of a Videogame” with Lara Forgione
  • Feb. 26, 2:30-6:00, Phyrtual Innovation Gym
    “Design and Development of a Videogame” with Lara Forgione
  • March 6, 2:30-6:00, Phyrtual Innovation Gym
    “Design and Development of a Videogame” with Lara Forgione
  • March 12, 9 am – 1 pm, Liceo Vito Volterra
    "Conceiving, Defining and Developing a Communications Campaign in Five Steps” with Nicoletta Vulpetti

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