We would like to share this press note from the IDOS Study and Research Centre, a long-standing partner of ours, that focuses on the right to education for the over 850,000 foreign students in Italy: 1 out of every 10 students is foreign, but in 2 out of 3 cases born in Italy. The Covid emergency has increased social inequality.
"According to ISTAT, 33.8% of families in Italy do not have a PC or tablet and 41.9% of minors lives in overcrowded conditions. This is particularly true of foreign families, where children study in small houses where they often do not even have enough space, and many do not even have an Internet connection to keep in touch with their friends. Moreover, the parents often have insufficient language skills (and often work away), which means they cannot help them with their studies."
“This is mainly due,” explains Luca Di Sciullo, IDOS President, “to a blind and anachronistic policy that for decades has been paralysed by an obtuse ideological approach, which together with a school system that was not equipped to face the emergency and never reacted correctly to the marginalization and exclusion of foreigners, led to the explosion - during this critical phase – of the serious consequences of social inequality and rights. Moreover, recent measures approved by the government to boost family incomes and take care of children have been insufficient to solve the issue. And the consequences of all this are suffered by the young students who represent the future generations of Italy. We are putting our own future at risk.”
For further information:
- IDOS Press Release
- MIUR: Foreign Students
- ISTAT: PCs and Tablets at Home
- Language Unites Us – A Note on the Inclusion of Foreign Students