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Courses in Naples and Ascoli

Courses in Naples and Ascoli

Courses in Naples and Ascoli

Digital literacy for over-sixties continues in six pilot regions thanks to Project Grandparents on the Internet at the Post Office.


Today, citizens are attending lessons in Ascoli and Naples to celebrate International Literacy Day (September 8).


In Naples, tutors are nearly all recent graduates from ITIS Galileo Ferraris in Scampia, including YouthSpark Star Lorenzo Dente, thanks to Project Meet no Neet.  


In Ascoli, tutors attend IIS Enrico Fermi, directed by Headmaster Patrizia Palanca.



Today’s programme – September 8


Ascoli, via Francesco Crispi 4

Tenth lesson


Naples, piazza Matteotti 2

Eighth lesson


Grandparents on the Internet at the “Poste” was conceived to help elders navigate the web and learn more about new communication technology. Poste Italiane opted for the Grandparents on the Internet Model developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to promote its digital literacy pilot project in post offices around the country [see news "Grandparents at Post Offices"].




Infografica elaborata da Stampaprint

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