The Fondazione Mondo Digitale doesn’t leave anyone behind. The restrictions and new lifestyles required by the Coronavirus emergency risk isolating and marginalizing those who do not have the competences necessary to use technology and remain connected with others. This is why we have devised this new service for elders which starts tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, with a dedicated service by the TG1 News Team, a Digital Help Desk (“Sportello Digitale”) dedicated to over-65s.
The help desk will allow grandparents and students to connect virtually. The students, in turns, will help the elders on how to best use the digital tools in this complicated moment.
The digital help desk for elders is based on our experience with Project “Grandparents” that, thanks to the intergenerational learning model, allows to distant generations to come into contact. The students act as iTutors and teach the elders how to use new technology to fight against isolation, keep informed and experiment with new forms of socialisation.
Every Thursday from 4:15 to 5:15 pm there will be an appointment on the Teams Platform with the high school and university students acting as “knowledge volunteers.”
A special opportunity, open to everyone, but with a limited number of participants.
Click here to enrol for the course with an e-mail. You will then receive instructions on how to participate in the virtual class.
Scheduled Appointments
- April 16, 4.15 - 5.00 pm
Apps for information, socialisation and entertainment
- April 23, 4.15 - 5.00 pm
Grandparents and Grandchildren: learning to tell digital stories. Video camera, camera and microphones for the good night story.
- April 30, 4.15 - 5.00 pm
True or False? Learning to find information on-line and discern fake news from truth and not share it with our contacts.
- May 7, 4.15 - 5.00 pm
Exploring public administration apps
Keep updated on our free initiatives by consulting our Educational Channel.