Their submarine robots, specialised in data collection, participated in the environmental monitoring operations following the shipwreck of the Costa Concordia near the Isola del Giglio in January 2012. The team of engineers and researchers from the Università Politecnica delle Marche returns to the showcase area at RomeCup 2016 (March 16-18) to illustrate what their robots can do.
The university will also showcase a bio-inspired, fish-like, didactic robot that can be built with Lego bricks. Fiammetta Castagnini interviewed Engineer David Scaradozzi from the Department of Computer, Management and Automation Engineering at the Università Politecnica delle Marche on what the university will be showcasing at RomeCup.
RomeCup 2016 is part of the European Get Online Week 2016 and Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs campaigns.