“To date, a large part of the working-age Italian population does not hold a high school diploma and does not participate in lifelong learning activities. Nearly 13 million adults face this issue. Moreover, if we also take into account the lack of literacy, numerical and digital literacy, the percentage of the population that needs to update its competences reaches as much as 50-60% of the total.” [...]
“We believe that we need to open a debate on adult education and training, to allow existing networks to restart their processes, so that we may define a new national agenda for competences to support today’s development priorities and with a look to benefits for future generations.”
Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, has joined the call signed by experts from a series of agencies, including ETF, Indire, Cedefop and Inapp, in an open letter to the government aiming to develop, “by 2025, the European objective: 50% of adults in educational activities at least once every 12 months.”
The opportunity for a Competences Agenda in Italy is now
The text of the letter