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The new issue of the newsletter distributed by Project ComeOn! (COMmunity projEcts for social innovatiON through intergenerational volunteering experiences) is out.
News items include the international RomeCup 2014 – Excellence in Robotics in Rome event that will be held in Rome, Italy on March 19-21, 2014. This year’s event focuses on social innovation and service robotics.
During the course of the event, the new Phyrtual InnovationGym will be presented. This is a physical/virtual environment for 360-degree innovation: technological, social and civic.
The ComeOn! Newsletter is distributed to all the contacts of the seven project partners:
• FMD - Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italia (lead partner)
• UEDIN - University of Edinburgh, UK
• FUNDETEC Foundation, Spain
• LUNARIA, Italy
• ISJI - School Inspectorate of Iasi County, Romania
• BCC - Budapest Cultural Centre, Hungary
• ICDI - International Child Development Initiatives, The Netherlands
Latest newsletter issue [pdf]