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Project ComeOn! (COMmunity projEcts for social innovatiON through intergenerational volunteering experiences) is financed in part by the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig Multilateral Projects action. Project activities will begin in October.
The objective is to promote active citizenship of all generations through intergenerational volunteering. Students, teachers and over-sixties from the participating countries will be involved in micro-planning and social innovation courses to identify and resolve local issues. Thanks to intergenerational exchange and a peer-to-peer collaborative didactic programme, the elders will face the challenge of active ageing and digital and social inclusion, while the students will acquire life skills, indispensable competences for living and working in the 21st century.
The biennial programme and partnership includes 6 European countries and 7 organizations:
• FMD - Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy (lead partner)
• UEDIN - University of Edinburgh, UK
• FUNDETEC Foundation, Spain
• LUNARIA, Italy
• ISJI - School Inspectorate of Iasi County, Romania
• BCC - Budapest Cultural Centre, Hungary
• ICDI - International Child Development Initiatives, Netherlands