The RomeCup at home initiative continues. The story of all of those who have participated in the event dedicated to Robotics and Life Sciences is now on-line with a playlist on our dedicated YouTube Channel: "La RomeCup online".
The channel includes both RomeCup Stories and Live Interviews. Every week, we will learn about those who participated in the event together with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Emotions, challenges, future projects, memories and much, much more. Now, that education has been transferred on-line, how are Robotics lessons held? How can ongoing projects be developed?
Last time, Daniele Dattrino, Professor of Electronics at the Grossetto “Manetti-Prociatti” Polo Tecnologico and Coach of the Manetti Soccer Team explained it to us (see the news).
Today, our live interview is with Domenico Ardito, Professor of Electronics and Automatic Systems at IT Archimede in Catania, a long-time participant in RomeCup (he participated in the 2012 event and accompanied his students to Mexico City as part of RoboCup Junior, see news).
The progress made since the 2019 victory in the NonniBot Category, service robots for elders and robotics from yesterday to tomorrow in this interview with Giacomo Palombi, a resource for major events organized by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
“The most important thing in robotic competitions is collaboration. [...] Collaborating is always important; we see this in this dramatic period.”
In the meantime, we are continuing to work on the fourteenth edition of RomeCup, which has been postponed to February 23-26, 2021, thanks to our precious collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome.