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For COL Users

For COL Users

Initiatives for the creation of new digital competences kick off with Programme Ambizione Italia #DigitalRestart, developed by Microsoft Italia and implemented in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the Council for Economic Development, Tourism and Labour of the City of Rome, a pilot city for the educational programme in Italy.


After having involved the workers at Rome’s Work Orientation Centres with strategic digital training to support citizens looking for employment, the programme will now organised free courses on digital skills for COL users, especially young men and women, as well as the fragile workers most affected by the health emergency.


The project employs custom-tailored lifelong learning activities to address the challenges posed by the sudden changes on the job market and provide everyone with professional updating and requalification opportunities. The plan is organised by user profiles in order to intercept the various different needs, bridge gaps and reinforce the abilities of each participant through three specific courses on new technology.


Beginners will be able to attend the “Introductory Digital Literacy Course” to learn the basic digital skills that are necessary to learn about the web and exploit its vast potential.


The “Intermediate Course for Finding Employment” addresses users who already have basic skills but need to advance their understanding of digital and social media tools to look for a job.


The “Advanced Course on Jobs of the Future” aims to provide the unemployed or those still deciding on their career with an opportunity to learn about the new professions that are emerging thanks to technological innovation and artificial intelligence through custom-tailored courses.


“With the second phase of #DigitalRestart, Rome is once again a protagonist in active labour policy. Thanks to our collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft Italia, we wish to help young men and women, especially the most fragile, to access the labour market and find new professional opportunities with free courses. During this period of profound economic and social crisis, we must think about those who are in greatest difficulty and provide them with new opportunities and skills that will allow them to create a better future for themselves,” declared Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi.


“I would like to thank all the personnel of the Rome COL Centres who have enjoyed the opportunity to enrich their digital skills and, thanks to the synergy with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft Italia, are promoting this second stage of free training for their users.

Especially during a pandemic, technology is indispensable to identify the skills in greatest demand on the job market and drive professional requalification. These new courses will provide an answer to this need,” points out Andrea Coia, Councillor for Economic Development, Tourism and Labour, Rome Council.


“The economic recovery of the country requires the participation of everyone. If we wish to avoid creating new inequality, digital transformation and sustainable development must become a single challenge to leverage human capital, invest in knowledge, skills and professional qualities. We are still in the middle of a health emergency, but thanks to Programme “Ambizione Italia for Youth” we will systematically promote active labour policy through a programme to train youth, involving companies and local administrations, even reaching the most fragile workers,” explains Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


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