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Coding Girls Tour

Coding Girls Tour

Coding Girls Tour

Milan will inaugurate the Coding Girls Educational Relay, the programme that fights against gender stereotypes in science and technology promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the United States Diplomatic Mission to Italy in collaboration with Microsoft. The two-day programme (Nov. 6-7) includes intensive training sessions in schools and a programming marathon at the Milan Politecnico.


More than one hundred high school Coding Girls will travel around Italy from November 6 to 20 to train 6000 peers in 28 schools in 7 Italian cities. The aim is to overcome gender stereotypes, identify female talent and leadership, and allow young women to experiment with the use of new technologies. These are just a few of the challenges of the 5th edition of Coding Girls, the national promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the United States Diplomatic Mission to Italy in collaboration with Microsoft.


Milan will open the Coding Girls Tour 2018. After intensive training sessions in various schools throughout the city (G. Feltrinelli, Caterina da Siena, Schiaparelli-Gramsci) and province (Falcone-Righi in Corsico), over 200 young women, guided by American Supercoach Emily Thomforde, Code Educator and Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM) Specialist, will compete on November 7 in a hackathon at the Milan Politecnico.


After the Milan leg, the tour will continue to Turin, Trieste, Rome, Naples, Salerno and Catania. The collaboration with universities is one of the main novelties of this edition, the result of one year of work by the Coding Girls Association, that today has over 25 hubs in Italy. The challenge is also launched to the world of enterprise. In fact, this year, companies will be able to “adopt” a young female student and help her in her studies, thereby contributing to the emergence of new talents, competences and professional profiles.


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