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Code for Development

Code for Development

Code for Development

Once again, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is working with Google to promote the free Computer Science First Platform in Italian schools. The platform trains computational thinking and soft skills in a fun and exciting way, also focusing on students with special needs. CS First allows teaches to integrate core curricular subjects with more efficient methodologies for teaching and learning new languages, as well as coding.


We invite all teachers to participate in our next session, on Thursday, June 24, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.


The “CS First and Development Code” webinar will be held by Stefania Altieri and Paola Pupilli. How can we raise the awareness of youth and adults on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030? Starting with graphic animation of the challenge, the session will experiment with the use of IT as an awareness-raising tool.


Teachers may register on the GoToWebinar Platform. Participants will receive an attendance certificate.


Schools that participate with at least 50 teachers will receive 100 copies of “Interland,” the first board game on digital citizenship for fun challenges at school and at home.

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