To celebrate the 14th edition of Safer Internet Day, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft Italy, with the patronage of the “Roma Semplice” Council and in collaboration with De Agostini Scuola, promote the “Civic Education 4.0: Living well with others on-line, too” event, a day dedicated to reflecting on the risks and opportunities provided by the web. The appointment is for February 7 at 10 am at the Rome Campidoglio with “Roma Semplice” Councillor Flavia Marzano and Individuals, Schools and Communities Councillor Laura Baldassarre.
Civic Education 4.0
Safer Internet Day 2017
Roma, Feb. 7, 2017
Campidoglio, Sala della Protomoteca
How do we teach young men and women to distinguish true information and reliable sources from fakes? What are the most efficient tools to prevent and contrast cyber-bullying and sexting? How do we teach them to live well with others on-line?
These questions will be answered to experts, policy makers, operators and parents that will debate these issues with teachers and students at the Rome Campidoglio next Tuesday (Feb. 7, 2017 – 10 am) during the course of the “Civic Education 4.0: Living well with others on-line, too” event, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft Italy, with the patronage of the “Roma Semplice” Council and in collaboration with De Agostini Scuola for Safer Internet Day.
The objective is to study the opportunities available on-line to create a new eco-system for education and training based on active, responsible and inclusive 4.0 Citizenship.
Speakers: Flavia Marzano, “Roma Semplice” Councillor; Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale; Carlo Rinaldi, Digital & Social Marketing Leader, Microsoft Italy; Massimo Bruno, Deputy Commissioner, State Police – Lazio Postal Police; Alberto Pellai, author for De Agostini of “Tutto troppo presto.”
Over 250 students will also attend, including the protagonists of Project Sonet-Bull, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, who will provide their experience in developing a policy to contrast bulling and cyber-bullying in school. The works will be concluded by Laura Baldassarre, Rome Individuals, Schools and Communities Councillor.