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City Lights

City Lights
In line with its ambition to pursue the arts, too, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale has published the “Art & Light” call to assign the project for the illumination of the Rome Città Educativa Headquarters of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The call aims to improve the urban décor of the Rome Città Educativa Headquarters of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in via del Quadraro 102, through the development of designer illumination points, including:
   Decorative illumination
   Practical illumination
   Architectural illumination
The object of the call is to select a designer illumination project for the Rome Città Educativa Headquarters of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in via del Quadraro 102 that will integrate with the office’s architectural features and the surrounding environment. The project must blend into the context and environment of the FMD Office. The maximum budget for this call is Euro 5000. The selected project will be awarded a 500-euro prize. The final installation will be presented at the first edition of the Rome Media Art Festival.
Who is Eligible?
The call is open to all artists and interested professionals working in illumination, who may participate individually or as a group. All groups will collectively enjoy the same rights as individual participants and be recognised as authors of the project.
How to Participate?
Please submit:
   Presentation of artistic profile
   Curriculum vitae
   Project presentation, including:
·Description of project proposal artistic and scenography components and motivation behind the choice of project location
·Technical description of project materials and installation plan
·Preliminary costs analysis for project development and implementation
·Sketches and attached tables and graphics (in either .dwg autocad or .pdf acrobat reader digital format)
·Projects may also be presented in compressed video format (.mpg or .avi or .mov or .wmv or .mp4)
To present a candidature please submit the above-mentioned documentation via e-mail to: no later than 15/01/2015. Please specify “Art & Light. Illuminazione d’artista per la Città Educativa di Roma, sede della Fondazione Mondo Digitale” in the object of the e-mail.
For further information:

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