“Notwithstanding the fact that it’s 2021, we still have not overcome the stereotype of IT as a male domain,” explain Carmen Pirci and Milena Maisto, two computer science students at the University of Molise, amongst the protagonists of the 7th edition of Coding Girls. Their story was reported by the ANSA press agency.
For the final event of Coding Girls, one of the three presented projects was developed by two Schools in Molise: G. Boccardi in Termoli (Campobasso) and A. Giordano in Venafro (Isernia), attended by Carmen and Milena [see news: Women Developers]. The two young women presented their year of work with 15,000 students in 62 Italian cities. The educational alliance of the programme includes 100 schools and 30 academic partners, as well as the United States Diplomatic Mission to Italy, Microsoft, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, ENI and the Embassy of the Netherlands.
“We chose to participate,” they explain, “because we feel very strongly about the role of women in IT and felt we should present our personal experience. Our objective was to transfer our passion and knowledge to allow other young girls to learn about the world of computer science. And seeing one of the projects that we followed, Discovery Molise, selected amongst the first three was doubly satisfying. First of all, we wanted to present Molise and promote tourism there, but we also wanted to clear away the myth that ‘Molise does not exist’. Thus, our selection and the opportunity to address so many students allowed us to fully achieve our objectives.”
Carmen and Milena: We Need Gender Equality in IT, too.
Unimol students against stereotypes on male domains
ANSA, May 26, 2021
The presentation made by Martina (16), a student at the Istituto omnicomprensivo A. Giordano in Venafro (Isernia).