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A Caring School

A Caring School

A Caring School

A civil battle to safeguard the most fragile citizens: on-line students discover the social dimension of health as schools grow increasingly connected to real life contexts.


Italy is amongst the top European countries in curing tumors with a 37% increase in survival rates over 10 years ago. Today, scientific research and prevention guarantee that at least one out of every four patients will have the same life expectancy as a health person. What are the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on this positive trend?

On the one hand, onco-haematological patients risk contracting the virus more easily and severely; on the other, we have to guarantee prevention and cures in safe and protected environments. According to AIOM data, during the first nine months of 2020, 2 million less screening tests were conducted and only 68% of oncology hospitals activated a home assistance service to reduce the risk of contagion. Is it possible to safeguard fragility in a context of global health emergency? How can we overcome prejudice, diffidence and fear to rediscover the social and solidary dimension of health? What role can school communities play in cures?


These issues were debated by the 600 students participating in the webinar held yesterday afternoon by the Italian Association against Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma (AIL). Amongst blood tumours, leukaemia is certainly one of the best known. In Italy, in 2020, 8000 new diagnoses were expected (4700 in men and 3200 in women). Lymphomas and Myelomas are not as well known. The first include two groups: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, the rare form that appears in ca. 4 individuals every 100,000. In this case, ca. 2150 new diagnoses were expected (1220 in men and 930 in women); 13,200 other lymphomas, in the top-ten by frequency in Italy, affecting both men and women, similarly, were forecast for 2020. Finally, in terms of Myelomas, forecasts for 2020 indicated 3019 cases in men and 2740 in women [Cancer Numbers in Italy 2020].


The “Growing Up During the Emergency” event is organised as part of Project Factor J, Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, the pharmaceutical branch of the Johnson & Johnson Group, and the patronage of the Italian Institute for Higher Health. Factor J, which has already involved over 10,000 students, aims to educate young men and women to develop a greater awareness of uneasy situations, behave respectfully and responsibly when faced with differences, acting as agents of change, and positively influencing others with their trust in science and research.


“We believe that the new generations, who are interested in health and research issues addressed by Project Factor J can play a strategic role amongst their families and peers to promote trust and positive communication,” points out Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


“Even in our current context, one in which our attention is mainly focused on the fight against Covid-19, it is fundamental to remember the importance of screening to prevent other pathologies, too, such as onco-haematological ones. Scientific research is making giant steps to provide new cures and improve the quality of life of tumour patients, but everyone needs to contribute. Indeed, correct information and prevention are fundamental to reduce the impact of these pathologies and increase the number of battles won against cancer,” explains Loredana Bergamini, Medical Director, Janssen Italia.


“To empathy, respect and inclusion, Project Factor J adds resilience, an essential quality displayed by patient associations during the pandemic. We cared for the most fragile and did this especially thanks to our volunteers and supporters. Patients are supported by associations driving a myriad activity from house cures to scientific research. Seek to participate with us,” recommends Luisa Clausi Schettini, Director, AIL Roma.


Project Factor J is supported by the Rome “Campus Bio-Medico” University, as scientific partner, and a network of eight patient associations: Associazione Italiana contro Leucemie, Linfomi e Mieloma (AIL), Associazione Ipertensione Polmonare Italiana Onlus (AIPI), Associazione Malati Reumatici del Piemonte (AMaR), Associazione Nazionale per le Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche dell'Intestino (AMICI Onlus), Associazione Nazionale Amici per la Pelle (ANAP Onlus), Associazione Psoriasici Italiani Amici della Fondazione Corazza (APIAFCO), Network Persone Sieropositive (NPS Italia Onlus) and Progetto Itaca Onlus.


The video message sent to us by Alessio D'Amato, Health and Socio-Health Integration, Lazio Region.


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