1 min.
When we interviewed Giorgio Beltrami, an educator specializing in adult education, he explained that the Lego Serious Play can also be used in schools for class councils, class organization and didactics. This is how this pilot run began at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Tomorrow, the Istituto Istruzione superiore scientifico e tecnico from Orvieto will attend a workshop on the Lego methodology held by Cecilia Stajano, a Lego® Serious Play® Trained LSP facilitator. Participants include the school’s administrator, teachers, administrative personnel and auxiliary staff.
The appointment is at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm.
The LSP method, which helps visualize school as a relation amongst parts: function, design, communication, accounting, etc., has the added value to creating shared grassroots solutions thanks to a collaborative, innovative and creative approach.
The FMD aims to promote LSP not only to schools, but also to small crafts companies, makers and social innovators.