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From Brindisi to Rimini

From Brindisi to Rimini

From Brindisi to Rimini

Today, Thursday, November 3, Programme Future Recoded alights in Morciano di Romagna, in the Province of Rimini, to improve the digital skills of young men and women.


The appointment is at the IIS Gobetti-De Gasperi School from 9 am to 1 pm.


The educational session will be held by Coach Cristiano Aguzzi, Microsoft Student Partner.


Project Future ReCoded (March 2016 - February 2017), financed by Microsoft YouthSpark and Fondazione Cariplo, and coordinated by the Fondazione Filarete, aims to provide greater professional opportunities for thousands of Italian students through the practice and development of digital and technological skills.


In the video interview with Fiammetta Castagnini, Coach Manrico Diamantini, Microsoft Student Partner speaks about the session in Pontassieve e Prato.



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