From Bio-Engineers to Innovation Managers, there are 150 new professions related to biotechnologies, according to the experts who presented the Assobiotech and ENEA Report on “Biotechnology Enterprises in Italy.”
Last Sunday, with an article entitled "Si fa presto a dire competenza" (Easy to Speak about Competences), economic daily Il Sole 24 Ore previewed some of the data illustrated by the Digital Competences Report 2018, presented yesterday in Rome.
"The relation between educational systems and working world has never been so complicated and nebulous,” writes Pierangelo Soldavini. In the infographic describing the professions of the future, there are two profiles related to biotechnologies: "Freelance Bio-hacker " and "Human Body Designer."
Promoted in collaboration with the Fondazione Golinelli, the first edition of the “Biomaking Summer School” (June 18-22, 2018), the Fondazione Mondo Digitale provides secondary school students with an original tool to learn about the intense and experiential biotech sector, an excellence of Italian research.
This is a unique opportunity to experiment with the innovative genetics techniques used in the most advanced labs around the world and build one of the tools that have revolutionised Genetics: a thermal cycler.