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Beyond Learning Barriers

Learning Accessibile

Beyond Learning Barriers

Beyond Learning Barriers

Learning Accessible Contest: applications open until June 30.

June 30th will be the deadline for applications presenting a project or experience to the Learning Accessible Award, promoted by Olimpyus and supported by Piazza Copernico, a company specializing in e-learning training for large companies in the insurance, banking, and multi-utility sectors.

The objective of the contest is to enhance good practices implemented in the educational or training world to overcome learning barriers and the conscious cognitive use of contents thanks to the use of digital technologies or artificial intelligence.

Both public or private legal entities and individual physical individuals may submit award applications.

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale was invited to participate in the jury, which must evaluate the projects based on some guiding criteria:

  • New strategies for using digital technologies, in general, and artificial intelligence, in particular, in training/educational processes;
  • Learning innovation in terms of breaking down barriers;
  • Originality of the operational impact in terms of diversity and inclusion;
  • Scalability in terms of expanding the range of users or areas that can benefit.

The awards ceremony will be held on September 20.

The jury will meet for the first time on Wednesday, May 15, at 13.30. Project Officer Marta Pietrelli will represent the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

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