Alessia (17), attends year four at the Liceo scientifico Giovanni Gandini in Lodi, where her classmates and her developed Project “I’m great” that won the last edition of the Discovering Talents Fair, the final event of Programme Meet no Neet.
In the video, Alessia describes Project “I’m great”, which was inspired by a photo, and how she envisages her future when she ends school. She sees a future based on Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) [also see Month of Stem].
“I'm Great,” the anagram of "migrate," is a web app designed to efficiently manage the welcome and inclusion of migrants and help them contact public agencies, associations and private individuals that can help them. An organised and shared welcome is less costly and imbues a country with new energy.
I'm Great è l'anagramma di "migrate" e significa "sono grande", "sono forte", "sto bene".
Una web app per gestire in modo più efficiente l’accoglienza e l’inclusione dei migranti: per mettere in contatto i migranti con enti pubblici, associazioni o privati che condividono i valori della solidarietà e della collaborazione.
Un’accoglienza organizzata e condivisa è meno costosa e arricchisce il paese di nuova energia.