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Best Robot Design for SPQR

Best Robot Design for SPQR

Best Robot Design for SPQR

The first results of the Robotics World Championships held in Sydney (July 2-8, 2019) were sent via chat from Prof. Paolo Torda to Francesca Del Duca. Unfortunately, they only refer to the Soccer Category, but the official results will be published very shortly on the site of RoboCup. Here are the placements of the three teams selected at RomeCup 2019.


Team SPQR from IIS Galileo Galilei in Rome placed 7th individually and 3rd in the Super Team, as well as receiving the award for "Best Robot Design."


Team  Cardano Robotics from IIS Piazza della Resistenza in Monterotondo placed 11th individually and 2nd in the Super Team.


Team  Mega Hertz Elettra Robotics Labs from IIS Lorenzo Cobianchi in Verbania placed 14th in the individual category.


"And now, we will be tourists for one day,” writes Prof. Torda, “before we fly back home.”

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