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Back to School

Back to School

They’re back in school after many years; in fact, for some of them it’s half a century later. They have many different reasons for going back to school: earning a diploma, helping their grandchildren with homework and not feel emarginated.


It’s a class of adults, aged 55-70, at the 3rd Provincial Centre for Adult Education (CPIA) operating in an area of Rome “characterized by a diffuse social, cultural and economic issues.”


The school’s academic programme identifies the area of Tor Bella Monaca as particularly week and at risk. “The rate of school dropouts is extremely high, as is juvenile deviance. There is a strong need for primary literacy.”


However, "the CPIA 3 also features a consistent segment of the population that wishes to continue studying and learn about new communication codes (computer science) and international exchange (foreign languages). This aims to promote access to/re-enter the working world, improve employment status and promote cultural, family, community and social development of citizens as part of a living adult life as an active subject fully integrated in the social system. Expanding cultural horizons generates a desire for intellectual growth, even as a free-time alternative (exhibitions, cultural visits, etc.).


To provide an answer to this adult need, Prof Anna Uttaro will accompany her class to the digital manufacturing lab at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym at the Rome Città Educativa. The class will be welcomed by Coach Mauro Del Santo, who will introduce the elders to digital devices.


In the meantime, the students have begun learning about new technology putting together a virtual bulletin board with short presentations.




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