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Back with Flip-Ideal

Back with Flip-Ideal

Back with Flip-Ideal

FLIP-IDEAL - Flipped Learning in Adult Education (1.09.2018 - 31.08.2020), which is nearing its conclusion, is a two-year project funded as part of the Erasmus+ KA2 Programme. Today, the final project meeting will be held on-line (Zoom Platform, 12:30-3:30 pm). Project Manager Ilaria Graziano [@Ilaria_FMD] will participate for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


The project explored the potential of flipped classrooms for adult education with a particular focus on the more low-skilled and vulnerable categories. The project developed and tested various tools to improve the quality of didactic activities and methodologies, as well as to encourage the use of new technology to promote learning.




Final Meeting

  • Financial situation and final accounting
  • Evaluation of project results based on opinions of developed, on-line course, guidelines, open badge, etc.)
  • Final questions on open badges
  • Project Impact
  • Update on Communications Activities
  • Proposal for future projects – Open Badge based on transversal skills, Issue-based learning, activity-based learning, real life scenarios
  • Christmas toast


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