Awards were presented today in the Campidoglio’s Aula Giulio Cesare to the finalists of the 8th edition Global Junior Challenge, the international competition that selects the best projects employing modern technology to promote educational innovation and inclusion [see news: #GJC2017 Winners].
Here are the winners and the jury’s motivation for each category.
Tullio De Mauro Special Award
Irene De Angelis Curtis, Head Mistress, IIS Leonardo Da Vinci in Rome
Motivation: An adjective is enough to define the school she directs. It is open to whomever wishes to learn, to understand, to innovate and to promote the meeting between cultures. Tullio De Mauro always strove to promote a fully inclusive school and the first step towards obtaining this objective is opening its doors, to everyone.
The following professors also received a special mention for their stories of innovation and inclusion:
- Daniele Manni
- Rosalba Rotondo
- Donatella Falciai
- Emilia Sera
- Cristiana Zambon
- Lidia Cangemi
Category "Education Up to 10 years Old"
“SPAZI POP UP: ABBATTIAMO LE BARRIERE” - Istituto comprensivo Paesi Orobici, Sondrio
The Rome Medal was presented to Professor Angela Fumasoni.
Motivation: From Fields to Coding: ancient and modern technology meet; classrooms are transformed into active learning labs and schools become an environment for inclusion. It draws on the past and exploits the best of the present to tear down social, psychological and cultural barriers.
Category "Education Up to 15 years Old"
“Hi ArtMakers” - Istituto comprensivo 2 Ortona (Chieti)
The Rome Medal was presented to Professor Stella Di Nardo.
Motivation: The city’s art becomes accessible to everyone, especially to the sight-impaired, thanks to digital technology like 3D printing. The artistic and cultural heritage is re-designed through innovation, integration and inclusion.
Category "Education Up to 18 years Old"
“BYOEG: A SCUOLA CON I VIDEOGIOCHI” - IIS Cattaneo Mattei, Monselice and IC Guinizelli, Castelfranco Emiliano
The Medal of Rome was presented to the Headmaster of IIS Cattaneo Nicola and Professor Serafina D’Angelico, IC Guinizelli.
Motivation: The videogame (developed by students and professors in 4 Italian Regions) is a tool that can facilitate learning of scientific concepts in class. Knowledge is the results of active construction and becomes a fun process for young and adults alike.
Category "Education Up to 29 years Old"
The Rome Medal was presented to Professor Amerigo Guercini
Motivation: A group of fifteen-year-old students designed and developed an innovative lift. The high-tech prototype is in an advanced stage of completion. The award goes to the idea, the technical competences and the enterprise of the young designers.
Category “ICT for Youth Insertion in the Working World”
The Rome Medal was presented to Professor Rosana Serrano Barro, project coordinator.
Motivation: Providing a second opportunity to who risks become excluded. The school conducts ad hoc programmes with new technology to prevent school dropouts and insert young men and women into the working world.
Category “ICT for Sustainable Environmental Development”
2016, Ano Internacional dos PULSES - Centro Educacional Nosso Mundo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Rome Medal was presented to Professor Jeane de Fatima
Motivation: Knowledge is a seed. Students from the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe have improved their scientific, cultural and linguistic skills thanks to an innovative study of legumes. This is an innovative project on agriculture, health and biodiversity with a strong impact on environmental sustainability and climactic change.
Category “ICT for the Integration of Migrants and Refugees”
Guide invisibili - Laboratorio 53 & Echis - Incroci di Suoni, Roma
The Rome Medal was presented to Professor Andrea Cocco.
Motivation: 15 migrants describe two Roman neighbourhoods. The sound walks are an inter-cultural walk through the capital city. The migrants, who share our streets, squares and beautiful monuments, describe them from their point of view, and not as guests.
Special Award for Most Innovative Project presented by Italian Schools
LSS Mancini in Avellino - “Da – Infinito a + Infinito, La voce dell’Universo”
The GJC Award was presented to Professor Elvira Limone.
Motivation: “Muons” are the musical notes of a universal melody, the astro-particles identified by the telescope at the National Gran Sasso Lab in Via Toledo, Naples, elaborated by a software programme developed by the students. The infinite is the starting point for a scientific, but also philosophical and musical, research project on the universe. The project demonstrates that truly innovative didactic activities must be multi-disciplinary.
Small Fund Award 2017
Project: “I want to be Program” - ToBe Worldwide
The prize, a tablet, was presented to Nelli Kirschner.
MOTIVATION: “I Want to be Program” allows young students aged 6-15 from developing countries, and Ghana specifically, to grasp their full potential and lay the foundations for a future career. Information, digital skills, awareness and creativity are the key words for the success of students, but also their countries.
"Border no Borders" Hackathon Winner
Team 2 with Project Presence Box