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The “Made in Italy” Pavilion was a great success at the New York (Sept. 23-24, 2017) Maker Faire and received the first prize from Maker Media.


The announcement was made on social media by the Chicago Office of the Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, that brought 15 examples of Italian excellence to the New York Maker Faire, including the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Olivetti.


This week #MakersItalia Italian Maker Pavilion awarded by @MakerMedia a best pavilion award @makerfaire in New York

— ITA Chicago (@ITAChicago) 26 settembre 2017


Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation Manager, and Matteo Viscogliosi, Fab Lab Coordinator flew to New York to describe the FMD’s 16 years of working with schools for high-quality inclusive didactics and social innovation, as well as the more recent projects deveoped at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym [see Kit:Cut].

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