The Phyrtual Innovation Gym continues to host free workshops on immersive technology for the Roma Est Digital Fest, which involves young men and women aged 18 to 27 in the conception and production of digital content.
Coach Emanuele Tarducci will host two appointments this month: June 22 and 28 (10 am – 2 pm)
Emanuele Tarducci | June 22 and 28 (10 am – 2 pm)
Phyrtual Innovation Gym, Via del Quadraro 102
Artist Chiara Passa describes what will happen in the second appointment on September 12.
Chiara Passa | Sept. 12 (10 am – 2 pm)
Phyrtual Innovation Gym, Via del Quadraro 102
Roma Est Digital Fest is a project financed by the Italian Authors and Editors Association (SIAE) with the “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura” Call and developed in partnership with four local organisations working on digital issues: D.V.I.99, ArtChivio, Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Mammanannapappacacca.