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Audio Diary in Pink

Audio Diary in Pink

Audio Diary in Pink

Elisa is specialised in "baby coding." Following a warm-up with simple games, she introduces primary school children to developing a game with Scratch.


Federica is a digital storytelling expert. She helps children and pre-adolescents to understand narration techniques, develop a scenario and represent the emotions of characters.


"I spoke about predictive algorithms and the decisional power of artificial intelligence …" In her on-line courses, Eleonora addresses complicated issues with great ease and rises the curiosity of her young interlocutors.


Lara, instead, has the task of helping the expert class to develop a videogame using more sophisticated AI applications, like those that regulate chase dynamics between characters.



We have collected the short comments of the four young  Ambizione Italia for Schools  coaches into a single audio clip for the new distance version developed for the health emergency. Eleonora, Elisa, Federica and Lara hold some of the webinars that enrich school content every week making content more interesting for classes, teachers and families. Some sessions are open and can be useful to all age groups.


Ascolta "Audio diario delle formatrici" su Spreaker.



Weekly appointments for Ambizione Italia by Microsoft


01/06 3-4 pm | Storytelling with Lego Storystarter (recommended for primary school) | Coach Federica Pellegrini | Register: on-line form

03/06 3-4 pm | Introduction to AI (recommended for first-degree secondary school) | Coach Lara Forgione | Register: on-line form

05/06 3-4 pm | AI and Future Professions (recommended for second-degree secondary school) | Coach Manuel Serra | Register: on-line form


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