The Finish mission of the Roman delegation headed by Ilaria Graziano, Project Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, is in Helsinki for the transnational educational workshop of Project Ideal [see news CPIA2 in Finland].
Tomorrow, the Provincial Adult Education Centre of Rome will host a repeat session of the "dissemination seminar". Anna Uttaro, Rosalba Palermo and Cristiano Sabbatini will illustrate the gamification and social networking tools for adult education, in both formal and non-formal contexts, including a range of apps: Kahoot, Padlet, Mindomo, Blendspace and Edmodo. Expression and creativity will be stimulated with Evernote, Edpuzzle, ThingLink and Scratch.
Amongst the four workshohps presented by project partners, the Italian one on "Gaming and Social Tools for Basic Skills: Practices and Experiences with Adult Immigrants," was selected by 50% of participants.