The second meeting of European Project Sonet-Bull will be held at the Haute Ecole HELMo Sainte-Croix in Lieges, Belgium.
Representatives of the partner organisations (Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Hellenic Open University, Dublin City University, Computer Technology Institute, Press Diophantus and INOREF) will discuss the pedagogic approaches developed for the European platform that will be available on the official project website ( The platform will provide teachers and interested parties with accredited training material on school bullying and training courses based on peer learning and crowdsourcing techniques.
The agenda will also address the training programme for school teachers on how to contrast bullying that project partners will develop in the coming months, as well as upcoming national and international project meetings to 2016.
Upcoming project activities include the presentation of the European e-learning platform for teachers to help them identify bullying, strategies to confront it, including efficient communication, class activities to prevent and contrast the phenomenon and procedures for reporting it, as well as support strategies for victims and aggressors. The platform will be available on the project website.
Schools and families interested in participating in the project in Italy may contact the Fondazione Mondo Digitale at