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All You Need is a PC

All You Need is a PC

All You Need is a PC

“I’m having great fun!" exclaims Rosa Barone, who is back at “her” school as a student after having worked there for thirty years. Rosa is one of eight women who are participating in Project Grandparents On-line. Everyone’s Young at the Post Office, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Poste Italiane. In her class at the Amedeo d'Aosta School in L’Aquila, there also are 12 men, all aged 65 and above. And each has a student tutor as a personal coach [see news: Grandparents in Aquila On-line].


There are many different stories in this group, whose participants are on average seventy years old, but they are all ready to participate in the digital literacy courses that will be held in L’Aquila. The group includes builders, teachers, a marshal, a policeman and an architect, as well as an employee of the Ministry of Justice...


There even are two brothers, Vincenzo e Pietro, from Amatrice, who after having managed a restaurant in Rome for many years returned to their hometown only to have to move to L'Aquila after the earthquake. Now they live in the residential modules that were erected in 2009 to welcome citizens from L’Aquila. The course is also an excellent opportunity for them to meet other people and get to know their new community, as well as to keep in touch on-line with others living farther away.  


"We have bought a PC," they explain, "but there were no instructions on how to use it inside.” Now, they will write the instructions together with their young tutors.


LaQTV camera at IIS A. d'Aosta in L’Aquila for the first lesson.


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