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Today, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale continues to attend the ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020 (Oct. 7-8) organised by All Digital, a European association operating in the field of digital inclusion and empowerment.
ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020 - “Competences for the Future” is promoted in collaboration with the German members of the association, Helliwood, JOBLINGE and the Digital Opportunities Foundation. The initiative is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, as Germany is currently managing the Presidency of the European Union (until Dec. 31, 2020).
Keynote, panels and workshops will address four main issues:
- Towards Version 2.2 of DigComp> DIGCOMP
- The Future of Digital Competence Centres > FUTURE
- Recognition of Digital Competence Certificates in Europe > CERTIFICATION
- Lessons reaped from Covid-19> LESSONS
Due to the health emergency, the summit will be held on-line and registration is mandatory.