For all those of you who were not able to follow yesterday’s live stream, here is yesterday’s second appointment with the intergenerational campaign for gender equality launched by Coding Girls. The protagonists of this role modelling session was Alessandra Sinibaldi, Hemar & Regulatory Affairs Director, Janssen Italia, Johnson&Johnson Group [see news: The Future is Up to Me].
The meeting was introduced by Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, while two students - Lucrezia Fonda and Francesca Boccucci – co-hosted the session.
The campaign slogan is “My Future? It’s Up to Me” with hashtag #dipendedame.
The challenge to provide young women with a future is pursued by a “hybrid” alliance involves the United States Diplomatic Mission to Italy, Embassy of the Netherlands, Compagnia - San Paolo, Microsoft, ENI and a network of 32 academic partners.