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AI for Special Needs

AI for Special Needs

AI for Special Needs

Project MaTHiSiS - Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS, financed by the European Commission as part of the Horizon2020 ICT 2015 – Information and Communication Technologies Programme, has been underway for nearly three years with 18 partners from nine different countries.


On the basis of their specific competences, the project partners are working on the development of an integrated multi-agent system that can manage custom-tailored didactic programmes, based on the identification and interpretation of the learner’s emotional states, as well as on an analysis of the performance and interaction with the device or the evaluation of progress towards didactic objectives.


The achieved results, progress and issues encountered in each lesson contribute to enriching each child’s profile and improving the personalisation of the didactic activities. 


Shortly, the third testing phase will begin in schools. Teachers and parents who are interested in participating should contact the Project Manager:


Playlist of demo videos on how to use the platform


Project video


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