Activities have begun at the Innovation Gym at the Istituto Comprensivo Via Poppea Sabina, developed thanks to the Smart & Heart Rome Programme, supported by the City of Rome [also see news on the school website (in Italian): Diamo forma alle nostre idee]. The first cycle of meetings for students and teachers has been scheduled up to December 21.
The course for students, which began yesterday, is held by FMD Coaches from the WiFi Robotics Labs, who will introduce the students to what hides behind a “simple” videogame and the process necessary to develop one in 2D. During the next sessions, they will explore digital manufacturing and rapid prototyping.
The course dedicated to teachers begins today, Wednesday, November 24, with an on-line meeting (3:00-4:30) with Matteo Viscogliosi. The following four sessions will be proximate.
Appointments on the Agenda
Creativity and Coding | Nov. 29
Coach Marco Brocchieri
How to develop computational thinking with fun and involving activities for younger children. The lab proposes a range of activities that can be introduced into school curricula. After a brief introduction to Scratch, the free programming language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, the students will try creating new activities.
Arduino Magic | Dec. 20
Coach Marco Brocchieri
Using sensors, lights and motors, teachers develop small interactive games, learn about electronics and discover the potential of programming languages for practical and fun activities.
Fab Lab: A Lab Where Ideas Take Shape
Nov. 24 | Dec. 1 | Dec. 9
Coach Matteo Viscogliosi
From an overview of make culture to the use of machines and software and to the development of didactic tools and simple prototypes.
The Istituto Comprensivo Via Poppea Sabina acts as hub school also for other project synergies, too, such as Social Hosting Hub. A precious lab to help young men and women communicate kindly on-line with others is scheduled.
Taking Care of Words
Dec. 2 | Dec.16 – 9:00-12:00
Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti
Together with students at the first-degree secondary school, we will focus on the importance of words used in the “on-life” dimension, learning about the distinctive characteristics of on-line hate and ways to contrast it by carefully choosing our words.
Even the Istituto Comprensivo Melissa Bassi in the Tor Bella Monaca neighbourhood will act as a local hub, networking for Project Social Hosting Hub. The next appointment will be with the same lab: Taking Care of Words.
Taking Care of Words
Nov. 26 | Dec. 9 – 9:00-12:00
Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti
Together with students at the first-degree secondary school, we will focus on the importance of words used in the “on-life” dimension, learning about the distinctive characteristics of on-line hate and ways to contrast it by carefully choosing our words.