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ACTing (Social Agents Promoting Active Ageing through ICT) is financed by the European Commission as part of the LLP Programme - Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation.
The objective is to transfer a training methodology to the social operators who work in the field of active ageing to fight the digital divide of elders and help them acquire ICT skills.
The “Mayores con Iniciativa” methodology has been developed and implemented by FUNDETEC and will be transferred and tested in 4 European countries: Spain, Italy, Romania and Switzerland.
Project Partners
   FUNDETEC (Spain) – Lead Partner
   AEPMR – Asociatia pentru Educatie permanenta in Mediul Rural (Romania)
   FMD - Fondazione Mondo Digitale, (Italy)
   ESPLAI (Spain) 
   IC Volunteers (Switzerland)
The project is scheduled to last 2 years and activities will begin in November 2013.




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