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On Wednesday, July 22 at 6 pm (CET), the Link Art Centre will launch the 6PM Your Local Time Europe Event, a contemporary art exhibition that will take place throughout Europe in institutions, art galleries and art studios. The event will be documented via hashtag #6pmeu. At present, confirmed participants include over 100 events and 350 artists, but the list keeps growing …


Throughout Europe, participants will open their event at 6 pm local time. Photos and videos will be shared on social channels via hashtag #6pmeu. Moreover, the flow of shared images will be streamcast in real-time on


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will participate with its “Media Art in Education” Programme and with the new launch of artistic programmes at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym. The evening will include two sound performances by artists Simone Pappalardo and the E.T.E.R.E. Project. Simone will play old modified and home-made electronic instruments, while the E.T.E.R.E. Project will stage a musical and visual performance involving the surrounding environment.


Moreover, it will be a perfect opportunity to present Apotropia and Lino Strangis, artists who have begun developing new works with participants at the Officina-New Jobs Workshop [see Technology for Art].


Simone Pappalardo is an artist, composer and sound/performer, who currently teaches electronic music at the Conservatorio A. Casella in L’Aquila and at the Conservatorio O. Respingi in Latina. He began by developing electronic sound devices in collaborations with artists from in the avant-garde. His works have been performed and/or exhibited at various festivals and institutions, including: Macro Pelanda (Rome), Beijing Conservatory for the Musicacoustica Festival, American Academy for the Festival Nuova Consonanza, Romanian Academy, Maxxi (Rome), Palazzo M for the Digital Life Festival, Artefiera in Bologna, etc.


E.T.E.R.E. is an electronic and improvised music project based on digital technology. The musical landscapes created by E.T.E.R.E. are simultaneous musical composition acts, a constant flow in motion. Members include: Lino Strangis, Giovanni Paris, Roberto Liberati and Giulia Pellini.


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