"Help your Grandparents keep informed" is the title of the third live session held by teacher Cristiana Zambon to help children and pre-adolescents (8-12) to help and stay near their grandparents thanks to a creative use of digital tools. As usual, the lesson will be held on Monday on the TIM YouTube Channel.
How can I help my grandparents find useful information on-line? If they can’t go out to buy the newspaper, where can they find the digital edition?
The young digital coaches learn the secrets of how to become true teachers - Maestri d'Italia – thanks to Cristiana Zambon [@ritaglidiclasse] who always assigns them a mission to accomplish.
Information on the missions accomplished by our daring digital agents can be sent by teachers, parents or other relatives to missionenonni@mondodigitale.org. Moreover, you can use the same address for questions or suggestions, as well as attaching drawings or anything else you wish to share with Cristiana Zambon or the other young teachers participating in Maestri d'Italia.
The live sessions (Mondays, 11-12) are held as part of Project Maestri d'Italia promoted by TIM as part of the national Operation Digital Risorgimento Programme.
Next Monday, May 4, Cristiana will cover websites and platforms providing information and news and point out how to distinguish reliable sources from fake news.
The video lesson will definitely be followed by children in classes 3A and 4B at the Salvo D'Acquisto School of the Istituto comprensivo Viale dei Consoli 16, together with their teachers.
"I believe that this initiative provides a valid opportunity for digital growth and awareness, and integrates perfectly with the positive process underway at our school,” writes Head Mistress Alessia Lo Bosco. "Distance learning has kicked off a process of resilience in the entire educational community. In many cases, it has received the greatest impetus from our students who, day after day, are revealing that they have acquired competences related to a spirit of enterprise that will help them grow. Their grandparents and parents can surely provide added value to this dynamic process of change.”
All sessions are recorded and available on the TIM YouTube Channel. Click on "Nonno sei vicino, anche se sei distante" to see the first lesson and “Nonno online, che passione!” for the second.
Upcoming Appointments
- May 4 - Aiuto nonno a tenersi informato
- May 11 - Nonno diventa Social
- May 18 - Conservare e condividere i ricordi
- May 25 - Nonno è in casa, ma non si fa mancare niente!