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19 Goals in 60 Seconds

19 Goals in 60 Seconds

19 Goals in 60 Seconds

The home page of the website  of the Rome Istituto Tecnico Industriale Galileo Galilei proudly displays the video of the first technical challenge at RoboCup 2021(Fast Shooter). In 60 seconds, the football robot developed by Team SPQR scores 19 times and missed the 20th by a matter of seconds!



Thanks to Team SPQR, the Rome Itis Galileo Galilei School has held the Italian title in the Soccer Junior Lightweight Category for ten years and has twice clinched the world championship. After having won the RomeCup competition for the Italian title in 2021, the team participated in Robocup worldwide winning the World Championships for the third time.



“The team composed of Emanuele ColettaSiria SanninoDavide Belli, in collaboration with Matteo Bonafede and Lorenzo Aloisi from the Graphics Course for videos and Graphics, faced the challenge with the usual spirit, determination and commitment, obtaining the highest score. Although they did not play face to face in a true challenge, the students provided the excellence of their project” [also see: The Game of the Future].

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