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Education in the time of Covid-19

L'educazione al tempo del Covid-19

Education in the time of Covid-19

Education in the time of Covid-19

The first 2021 issue of Rivista Lasalliana, a quarterly publication of pedagogical culture and training, addresses the topic of educational emergency and distance education in times of pandemic and hosts a contribution from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

L'educazione al tempo del Covid-19: verso l'innovazione sistemica della scuola is the title of the article signed by scientific director Alfonso Molina, with contributions from Mirta Michilli (managing editor) and Ilaria Gaudiello.

The Covid-19 pandemic has given the school an unprecedented innovative thrust, starting with the widespread adoption of distance education (DAD), capable of channeling considerable effort and energy in a very short time to obviate the physical void of the school. This innovative thrust must now be consolidated and enhanced toward systemic school innovation, so that the many tools, activities and experiences available today, combined with the exceptional investment of extraordinary resources, are not wasted, but directed toward a new education that is capable of preparing young generations for the journey of life in the 21st century. The article describes the broad interrelated dimensions of systemic school change, the impact of the first wave of the pandemic on each of these dimensions, and the work carried out by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in this context.


rivista lasallianaL'educazione al tempo del Covid-19: verso l'innovazione sistemica della scuola

Alfonso Molina, Mirta Michilli, Ilaria Gaudiello

Rivista Lasalliana

1 - 2021, pagine 71-82


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