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Social mobility is women

Coding Girls

Social mobility is women

Social mobility is women

There are universities where gender parity in scientific disciplines already exists, such as Campus Bio Medico in Rome and the University of Tuscia, which boast 61 percent and 59 percent, respectively, of women enrolled in Stem courses. Important actions have been taken to close the gender gap in the scientific professions, but they are insufficient if they are not accompanied by systemic actions that can ensure that women can choose freely and without conditioning at every stage of their lives, in training and at work. If we continue to intervene in a sectoral way, with actions aimed only at either girls or adolescent or university students, we risk not valuing the results achieved so far. If we want to achieve real change, including at the cultural level, in my opinion we need to work simultaneously on several levels. How?

The contribution Mirta Michilli published on, the online publication of FPA - FORUM PA.


La mobilità sociale è donna: cosa ci raccontano i dati su competenze, formazione e lavoro

by Mirta Michilli

December 7, 2022



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