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"Five Words for a Thousand People" Campaign

Campagna cinque per mille "Cinque parole per mille persone"

"Five Words for a Thousand People" Campaign

"Five Words for a Thousand People" Campaign

What do you think?

Five Words for a Thousand People” is the title selected for our campaign dedicated to collecting the “five per thousand” contribution. The initiative involves, for the first time, advertising writer and Creative Director Paolo Iabichino

Let's begin with a question. If we had to choose five words to define what we do, what would they be? For us the is composed of the following words: Technology, Innovation, Future, Growth and Knowledge. They summarise our more than twenty-year commitment to the construction of a democratic knowledge society.

We believe these are beautiful words, because they give meaning to our work, even if, ever more often, they seem devoid of any real meaning in many contexts.

There is still a gap between those who have access to knowledge and those who do not. It is true that the new generations, and not only them, are disheartened, that our cities are not always places of opportunities and stimuli. And this is why we challenge you to restore value to our words.

At the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, we have made technology our daily work. We believe that everyone should have access to digital skills, that act as a social accelerator fuelling the growth, well-being, and productivity of every part of the ecosystem in which we live, from people to businesses and cities.

For over twenty years, we have been committed to spreading a culture of innovation for a knowledge economy as a driver of the country's development.

We want to regain an idea of the future that allows young generations to understand the value of self-entrepreneurship.

We believe that growing means recovering an idea of holistic development that promotes integrated learning on multiple dimensions. 

We believe that knowledge is the most effective key to creating a better future.

And what do you think about it? Would you like to build a world with us in which knowledge is truly a right for everyone?

What is your idea of technology? What does the word innovation make you think of? How do you imagine the future? Do you still want to grow? What does knowledge mean to you?

Send us a definition for each of these five words, or even just the one that strikes you the most, to help us understand the meaning you attribute to them. Fill out the form using no more than one hundred characters, including spaces, and send us your answers.


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